You agree to join forces with the Ox, and your new friend seems terribly excited about the prospect. He insists that you accompany him back to New York City to learn the supervillain ropes, and he escorts you to a nondescript van with tinted windows parked behind the motel.

You climb into the vehicle (which, in retrospect, is probably soundproofed as well) with the 800-pound bank-robbing stranger. What could possibly go wrong?

The van is actually quite plush inside, and modified to accommodate the Ox’s enormous frame. He fills the entire front seat (the steering wheel is mounted directly in the center of the dashboard) and proves to be perfectly courteous, to your relief. In fact, he’s downright chatty. “I was planning on hitting up this meeting tonight,” he says. “A bunch of guys get together and talk about crimes and stuff. We’re not like a team, or a legion or whatever, but sometimes it’s good to hear what everybody’s up to.”

A supervillain meeting? Your reporter’s curiosity is piqued. You consider trying to contact Dale and Melah, but you’re not sure what you would say, or how much you even want to reveal, now that you have a secret identity.

“Aw, but that’s all pretty boring,” Ox continues. “You probably wanna get your hands dirty, try to figure out your powers and stuff. We could hit another bank instead. Or an armored truck or something. C’mon, it’ll be fun!”

Why not? If you’re ready for the thug life, click here for page 114.

If you’d rather attend the meeting (either because you’re planning an undercover sting operation or just for general networking purposes), click here for page 60.

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