Hey, I’ll be at PAX West this weekend (I feel like it used to be called Pax Prime?), on Saturday and Sunday, helping out in the Tin Man Games booth! Which got me thinking, WHAT OTHER AREA EVENTS WILL YOU BE ABLE TO FIND YOUNGMARK AT, IF YOU SHOULD WISH TO FIND YOURSELF SOME YOUNGMARK?
September 3-4: PAX West (Seattle)
I’ll be chilling with magnificent Australian folks from Tin Man games (who just, like, yesterday released a lovingly crafted balls-to-the-wall full-3D update of the classic Fighting Fantasy gamebook The Warlock of Firetop Mountain). And also probably roaming the floor? I’m totally up for rocking some tabletop if you need a third player or something.
September 23-25: Steamposium (Seattle)
I’ll be sharing a table with my pal Scott from Broken Eye Books, and trying to convince people that Time Travel Dinosaur is PROBABLY WAY STEAMPUNKIER THAN IT ACTUALLY IS. Will I be wearing an old-timey hat with goggles stuck on the brim? Probably not, but who knows!
October 7-8: Geek Girl Con (Seattle)
This is one of my favorite local conventions, and I’m super excited that they found space for me this year! Also, I just realized that all three of the above shows are being held at the same place WHY EVER LEAVE THE SEATTLE CONVENTION CENTER?
November 5-6: Jet City Comic Show (Tacoma)
My wife calls me the Prince of Tacoma because I used to run into people I knew whenever we went down there (also, one time, the governor). It’s because I ran a weekly Tacoma newspaper for a long time in the 1990s! (Also, a couple of years ago I tried to convince the guys from Jet City Comic Show to rebrand it as TACOMICON, but so far no news on that front.)
November 11-13: Fan Expo Vancouver
I had to skip this one last year because it conflicted with Norwescon, but they finally moved it away from Easter weekend, and I’ll be there! I actually haven’t heard back on whether they’ll be inviting me as a guest, but even if they don’t it’s okay because I know a guy (that guy is Scott, from Broken Eye Books, who I bet needs someone to share hotel costs and gas with).
November 19-20: Oddmall (Everett)
They keep having these, so I keep doing them. With Scott, from Broken Eye Books! (You guys know Scott, right?) Also, they’re moving it from the Holiday Inn to the Community College this time, so do not go to the Everett Holiday Inn expecting to find a weird, awesome flea markety thing, it will not be there.