Cover art by Mona Finden
The “Wonderful” Wizard of Futhermucking Oz
BOOK RELEASE: April 17, 2017
This one isn’t a Chooseomatic — it’s a retelling of L.Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz with a modern-day, foul mouthed 15-year-old named Arabella Grimsbro standing in for Dorothy. The book is classified as Young Adult (with emphasis on the word “adult” — Arabella drops the f-bomb a grand total of 87 times), and I’m incredibly proud of it. I feel like it’s maybe the funniest thing I’ve ever written?
It officially goes on sale on Amazon and on my website on Monday, April 17. YEEHEEHEEEEE! If you want to snatch it up the day it goes live (and help me boost my Amazon sales rank, leading to UNPRECEDENTED FAME AND PROSPERITY), sign up for my mailing list below to get a reminder!
Oh, and will I SECRETLY HAVE COPIES FOR SALE A FEW DAYS EARLY AT NORWESCON? Honestly, it depends on printing and shipping times. But maybe!